Monday, August 11, 2008


A few weeks back, I was having a chat with an acquaintance on IRC. It was one of them rare occassions where I actually had a good conversation from someone. It started off when someone mentioned she had an accident.

And so he mentioned... "There are no accidents".

He, lets name him D, believes that everything is pre-written. Everything that happens has been planned. For eg, the person who had an accident. It was fated for her to have had an accident on that day, at that time.

But, we don't call it fate. We call it an "accident".

Well, the topic on fate is kinda subjective. It depends on one's belief and personal principles. So everyone has their own opinion.

I had a pretty "intensive" discussion with D regarding the topic on Fate.

Then again, all our Fates lead to one thing... death.

I rest my case.


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