Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hari Raya Preps Part 2

Hello Kids!

Hari Raya is less then 24 hours away. Gosh.. THE EXCITEMENT! *squirms*

However, Raya preps aren't over.
This is part 2.

I've thrown out loads of rubbish from my room way before Raya. It's left to decorate and clean up whatever stuff that need not be thrown out.

Curtains are up and the bedsheet has been bought. There's even a colour theme that matches my wall, or rather, blends in well with my wall. I'm sure you know how my wall looks like.....

Oh and it's a year old now. A year and a few days old to be exact. The date is written...

I think I'm gona change it next year.
*insert screams of parents here*

Anyway, preparations hasn't been smooth though. Grandma got warded last Tuesday because of low blood cell count and she's so weak because she hasn't been eating. So it's best for her to stay over at the hospital so at least she wouldn't be bothered and get her nutrition and of course plenty of rest. So I have been breaking fast over at the hospital with family and relatives. Not very appropriate though. LOL. But so far no complains :)

Grandma would be home by late afternoon, later today. So she's all replenished and energised well and good for Raya celebrations. Who knows, she might even be able to do laps after she gets back. LOL. Yippee!

It was retail therapy over at IKEA. I so badly wanna decorate my room and Mother wanted to buy a few glassware and LOADS of tissues to stock up for Raya when the guests comes. It was a Sunday and strangely enough, it wasn't crowded and of all people I bumped into, it had to be AMIRHAZIQ ANAK PAK HUSSAIN! Haha. *Beli carpet hijau ye bang?*

Well anyway, I bought LAMPS! I've yet to fix them though.

Oh and baju raya is also done and shoes and bags.

Curtains, done.
Bedsheet, done.
Lamps, done.
Baju Raya, done.
Shoes, done.
Bag, done.
Pampering service for self, done.
Raya mood, DONE!

No, I did not go for liposuction nor botox nor plastic surgery, if that's what you were thinking. For the record, I didn't revamp my hair for raya this year. My hair has been thru enough damage. I wouldn't wana end up going bald for the next raya now wouldn't I?

Oh and when we got home, the key couldn't get through the keyhole. LOL!

I can't wait for Raya!


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