Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The perfect lover...

I came across a blog today.....and read an entry about the owner's idea of a perfect lover.... interesting topic...~

Hmm...i decided to list down mine...LoLx....

The Perfect Lover : -

1. Need i say that he has to be trustworthy, sincere and honest? I mean...it's clear cut that he has to have these characteristics ryd. Need i say more...?

2. He must be able to compromise. If he trusts me, he is willing to let me have my own social circle, my own private space, my own freedom and other personal matters. Of course I will give him his own space. Yes of course I want him to be concern about me. To ask me about my well-being, ask me about my day. That sort of stuff. But I mean this has to have a limit. Being possesive at times will help.

3. Spontaneous and out-going. I've known guys who r like, shy to meet my other friends and get to know them. This is a MAJOR TURN-OFF for me. haiz...I mean i dont get it ya noe. I cant deny the fact that I myself would be shy among the guy's friends but goodness, I'm a girl. And you're a guy. Slap urself in da face! Haiyoo...~ It pisses me off, seriously. And please, dont be shy to hold my hand, or hug me when I'm with my friends. I wana let my friends know that you're the special guy in my life. *winKs*

4. Jealous at times. When I start talking about my ex or talk about other guys when I'm talking to my dear, stop me. I wana know that u r jealous. I believe that when u r jealous, u care. And this makes me love u even more. Not less. But please don't be too jealous and get over-sensitive over small matters or I'll start hating u. LoLx.

5. Calls me dear or sayang or sweetheart. It makes me feel pampered. I love the feeling of having someone to call me that. It's just a fresh new feeling. (And I miss that feeling..*siGhs*). I really can't describe how it actually feels but it just feels great.

6. If I'm angry at you, don't be a hard-up and make me feel more pissed. No matter how angry I am, I still need the attention. Now there is like SMS and MSN. But still, I prefer you'd call. At least I know you still care. Please don't be a stubborn ass and keep thinking that u r right and never admit ur mistake. But, I'm someone who easily gives in. However, that doesn't mean u can take advantage of the situation.

7. I am ok with having an intimate relationship, but doing it often makes me think that u only want me for physical activities. I hate that. Makes me feel used. Please, if I say NO, its a NO. Don't ask Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Or any other 1001 questions u can come up wif. No means NO.

8. Sometimes I do lie, but there's a reason for me lying. I am sensitive towards people's feelings. And if ever u find out the truth, please be gentle when asking me abt it. I know u wld be angry but I lied coz I didnt wana hurt u.

9. Looks? not really. If u have it, den its a plus. But if u dun, I will still love u to bits. But please, have a sense of style ok. Hehe. And please dun say u're not good-looking when I say dat u r. Coz u r beautiful in the way I look at u.

10. Caring, romantic, loving, sensitive and lovable. If u feel that I nvr express my thru feelings 2wards u, tell me to do so. Coz em not an expert at it. Help me wif it okay..~ *MuacKs*

hmm....i dun tink i m asking too much ryd? haha...em still waiting fer someone who manages to steal my heart and take me away frm the crowd. Someone who will teach me to say the 3 words which can make u feel that the world is at ur feet...."I Love U"


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