Sunday, May 04, 2008


Well, I'm a very weird person. Who isn't? I'm very unequal. Well, like everyone else, their left and right are never the same. The differ in terms of size, shape, length and so on and so forth. Though the difference isn't seemingly obvious, I feel that mine is just a wee bit more noticeable.

For instance, shoe size. Up til now, I'm still a lil bit unsure about my shoe size. It's either 7 or 8. Why? If I were to buy 7, my right foot would feel a bit tight, depending on the cutting of the shoe. However, if it was size 8, the left shoe would be too loose on my left foot. The difference is probably about 1/2 an inch between my two feet, but the 1/2 an inch felt like it's a meter.

That's shoe sizes.

Another example are my eyes. When I look in the mirror, I feel like my eyes are totally equal, in terms of shape. Truth and behold, they're not. When I take passport photos, I examine them carefully. I notice that my eyes are just so really weird. Oh, you expected me to post a picture of my passport photo? For real? You've got to be kidding. Well, yes, my eyes aren't equal. My nose bridge also isn't right. Just the bone structure. The doctor told me. I'm not making it up. Oh, and also, my left eye has triple eyelids, and my right eye had double eyelids. The center of my brow, isn't center. You do get what I mean right? Oh, to top it all off, my eyes do not have the same degree. There's a difference of 50.

Just today, I found out something else.

I bought my monthly pair of coloured contacts and thanks to the opitician, my left eye is suffering from a bit of "astigmatism". Right. Now I see double. Lucky for me, it's not so crucial so I'm still "considered" normal.

Why I'm even blogging about this? No idea.

Note: My sister hasn't remembered the password to the computer -.-


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