Sunday, May 27, 2007

a revengeful friday night... and a wet saturday to top it off..

On Friday night, a whole bunch of us decided that we stayed up the whole night, alongside East Coast and just watch the time fly..

After training in school, the 6 of us made our way to East Coast for a night out. We decided that the meeting point would be at Marine Cove, East Coast.

First there was 6, then there were 19 of us...

Alot? I know..

We had our dinner at Mcdonalds and then made our way to the arcade at the 2nd level of the bowling alley at East Coast. We played racing games, soccer games, dancing games and even para-para.

Ok cool. After arcade-ing, we went down to have a game of bowling. Then the laughters started. Some were so called "betting" on the players on who will win and the number of pins that would fall. So damn funny laa! Should have taken pictures, but amidst all the laughters and commotion, the thought of it was just not on anyone's mind.

So after the bowling game, we made our way to East Coast to look for a vacant pondok to just sit and talk.

Dah jalan2, kiter pon terjumpe la satu pondok ni. Kiter duduk dan mulakan permainan charades dan ia adalah permainan antara wanita dan lelaki. Dan pemain yang pertama adalah Achiok.

Perkataan yang telah diberi kepadanye.... Pocahontas.

Ahahahahaha..!! haaameekk kaaoo!! betape susahnye nak charade-kan word tuh. Gelagatnye sungguh lepaks nak mamfuss..!!!!! After Achiok, ader laaa Miza. Word yang diberikan kepadenye....Dadaism. Dadaism kao peyy yeekk.. Hanya Tuhan saje la yang tawu aper maksud sebalik perkataan ni.

Abe pas tuh, semer dah boring dgn permainan charades, kiter pon setakat bobal2. Abe in the midst of the late night and early hours of the morning... ADE DRAMA HINDUSTAN K! Entah maner punye couple hindustan ker mamak ker haper ker gadoh2 pat dlm tent. Violent rabaks punye! Pekik2 soomerr abe maki hamun dlm bahasa diorg pon ader. *setep akoo paham jer bahasa mamak* Betol nyer drama aah. Entah haper kejadah agaknye jadi pat dlm tent. Tent bergoyang-goyang sioll..!!! Akoo pon naik takot. Yang bebudaks lelaki semer pikir yang diorg gadoh pasal lelaki tu lepas dlm taim tgh main dgn pompan tu. Abe sampai marah2. Ataupon ader yg pikir pompan tu marah pat laki nye sal ternampak 3GP porn laki tu dgn pompan lain pat hp laki.
Asal boleh kentot ajerrr kiter org!!

Sampai lah the next morning. Semua dah ngantuk nak mamfus, kelaparan dan sungguh kepenatan.

So separuh dari kiter balik sekolah, naik taxi.. dah sampai skola, kiter pon mandi pat sports complex pat skola.

Ok akoo punye entry mcm boring nak mampos..

So just to put it short... Saturday morning, had AGM performance. Performance yang sungguh terburuk dari Nira disebabkan aku. bleargh!!! Tu first dan last akoo menjadi aper yang akoo jadi.

Akoo sayangggg koraaannggg...!!

Lepas performance, each grp had their workshops. There are 4 groups namely, Patrick, Kupang, Siput Sedut and Barnacles.

Their cheers:

P is for Patrick
Aye aye captain x2
Patrick, patrick patrick patrick...patrick.. patrick.... x2

Ade 11 kupang,
datang dari TP,
masok dalam MAG,
kiter happy happy (mengikut lagu "Lagu tiga kupang")

Kalau engkau barnacles kao olollololo
Kalau engkau barnacles kao olololololo
Kalau engkau barnacles, aku juga barnacles
Kalau engkau barnacles, kao ololollollolo

Siput Sedut
Satu, dua, tiga!
Ready? OK!
Siput sedut... sss sss
Siput sedut... sss sss
Siput sedut... sss sss
Siput sedut... sss sss

Ok so itulah cheer2 yang akoo dah in lup wif. Kewl laaa..!!! The freshies are total loves. There are really a bunch of good sport. Always ready for anything...

I went home with a pair of wet jeans and lucky I brought along extra tshirts. Thanks to Yan who made me wet! Thanks eh Yan menuangkan satu botol air Ice Mountain pat akoo. Lain kali satu baldi skali eh! Satu botol tak cukup. Dier mcm ade kuuuraaanngg sikit.

Ok dah. Aku nak overnight lagii.!! Boleh?


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