Friday, May 11, 2007

Superficial-ity of homo sapiens

There comes a time when right and wrong is out of the question. Sadly, some people just can't be bothered to think before blurting out comments.

It's just a wonder how homo sapiens can be simply very stupid *i'm being very blunt* eventhough they have every ability to think using those brains that are stored up there in the skull. Unfortunately, we hardly makes use of those brains that we have eventhough it's totally priceless and makes use of no effort.

Oh anyways, let me make it short and sweet.

Some people apparently just don't know how to put words nicely. They just have to blurt rude comments and totally unneccesary. While compensating is totally out of the question, they just don't bother to try finding out the exact truth of what actually happened. Yet, all they just do is curse and swear to whoever that made them feel fcuked up.

Sometimes, all of these just ends up being a big mistake. However, some people just don't seem to know how to forgive & forget. Instead, they make a big hoo-haa over it and as a result, other people would eventually get involve.

Nonetheless, I'm totally cool about it when it happens to me. These people I believe just needs some "extra" attention. So therefore, I'm just doing them a favour and giving them my upmost attention.

To the person who commented on my friendster profile,

If you think you're smart, I'm sure you're clever enough to not leave such a comment in someone's profile. But hey, you just did. So you're now known as some fcuked up teenager who's got lots of issues to deal with.

Stupid? Well look who's talking. If you think that you are Miss "Oh-so-perfect", get a bloody mirror and look at the reflection hard. You're a childish, immature brat who thinks the world of yourself.

Go get yourself a decent education where you can at least type simple english. Once you're done with it, then you come to me. If you're not scared, the least you could do is make your profile viewable. However, you made it only available to your friends list. Reality-check girl.

So I suggest you just go buzz off, continue on with whatever you have been doing and just don't go around cursing and swearing before you even found out what really happened.

It was nice doing business with you.

Random fact #182: I love surprises. I really do.


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