Wednesday, August 29, 2007

shame on u!

Shame on you! You've been leaving the untuned rhapsody for too long. I know your fingers are itching too much to blog. Now update me!

Okay. So I've been too busy mugging for the exams that I haven't been updating my precious untuned rhapsody. Seriously, I'm having a migraine just from mugging.

So the past week has all been books and papers and notes for me. I've been playing around the colour pens for several days just to jot down notes with different colours to help me remember. Yes, I work with colours so as to help my mind differentiate between main points and the details.

I mean I did some hanging out as well but not that usual. Been missing the usual bunch. People like Fizah, Ayul, Ayu, Maz, Miza, Ira, Wani... It feels like ages since I've seen them. Lucky for me, I still got my GF around. When's the next outing yaw!?

Anyways, had some events and outings. Check out the photos here.

I've met up with people whom I haven't seen in ages. People like my Primary School GFs. Seriously, I miss them like truckloads sia. Also friends whom I've met like once or twice and then we just drifted. Haha. Oh well... it was a nice feeling though. :)

So today would be my last paper. I'm taking a mini hiatus from studying right now. I can't think anymore. I'm suffering from a mental breakdown. I think.

Ya Allah, tenangkanlah mindaku dan terangkanlah hati hambaMu ini Ya Allah. Moga aku diberi ketenangan untuk menghadapi peperiksaan ini Insyallah. Sesungguhnya, Engkaulah Maha Pengasih dan Engkaulah Maha Penyayang. Amin.

I've been reading prayers, like alot, just to calm myself down. I feel nervous all of a sudden and I will just start to panic for some reason. This ain't normal. Trust me.

Oh and did anyone catch the "two moons" on 27th Aug at midnight?

Ella, my cousin, said she did saw the 2 moons but it ain't clear. I asked for a picture and she got this...

This picture describes a failed attempt of snapping a shot of the "2 moons" that was supposedly to appear at 12.30am on 27th August.

And when I asked Ella what this picture was showing.. she said...

"It's the moon."



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