Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So yestarday

You know..

Sometimes I scare myself too much.

I mean, I can tell what's coming, yet I decide to pretend that I don't know.

My instincts don't fail me. Been there done that. Umpteenth times.

Yet, I chose to be stubborn, believe that instincts aren't meant to be believed. It's just a gut feeling, right? Then again, it's been proven so many times that my gut feelings are always true. What is it about me?

So what am I feeling now?


I don't know. I think I'm just plain stupid. Oh and blind. Oh and not forgetting dumb to.

Yeah, I'm emo-ing.
Well, dearest Fizah said that it's okay to feel sad and hurt.
"at least i know my fren is human. she got feelings"

Thanks gorgeous :)

Oh and of course, how can I forget the GF.
"Never fall for anyone until they confess to us."
Haha. Shut up la GF.

Well, fuck it already. I'm so over it.

14 February. Valentines Day

That's soooooooooo yesterday. Pfft.

Oh well.. on a "brighter" note..

you love-sick suckers. :x


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