Wednesday, November 01, 2006

end of october

Today marks the end of October and a start of November.

We are only 2 months away from celebrating 2007 and me becoming a year older. *that fast?!*

So, what has the past month done for me? Nothing much really. It's just the same old thing because firstly, I didn't find a job to occupy myself during my 2 months of Semestral Holidays and secondly, I don't excite myself with adventurous happenings. Boring ol' me.

Ok. It sucks really when you come to think of it.

Anyways, an issue came up today. It's about people and their EGO.

I don't know but don't you think that when you keep grudges, it turns out to be revenge? It really is kinda stupid.

For example, you broke up with your partner and you weren't happy on how things ended between you and him/her. Suddenly, you just feel this need to spread some stupid truth about your so called "ex" and eventually, asking people to blackmail or boycott ur ex and get overly jealous when you found out that your "ex" is dating someone in the same school.



It's really such a stupid, immature and childish thing to do. I mean, come on, being such an egoistic creature doesn't mean you do things according to your wish. Like, hello?! Earth doesn't revolve around you nor do the other planets in the Solar System. Stupid.

If you so much as to hate your "ex", then you must be such a stupid lump of shit walking on God's Earth to love somone whom you hate. Or simply, you went blind when you for the second that you looked at him/her.

Why hate someone, when in the past, before separation came along, you love him/her so much that you just would do anything for that spark of love to keep on coming?

Well yeah, he/she did something that made you hate him/her but come on, until when would you keep the hatred? It's really stupid ya know.

Ok so whatever. Just an issue I would like to address. Haha.

Back to my happenings...

Ok. So today I had my first tutorial on Japanese and it rocks la. I love.

We made sounds for basic vowels like a e i o u and also like ka ke ki ko ku etc. Then we learn basic grammer and vocabulary like Konichiwa which is a greeting for somone when you meet them and Watashi wa Naqiah desu which means My name is Naqiah. kewlSHIET!

So, that's Japanese for the day. Next, met up wif Ayul, Arep, Sala, Arif at ITAS. Gosh, I really miss them truckloads with a trailer infront. Serious la. When was the last time I saw them? Oh, and they brought a friend along which was Luqman. So cheers to Luqman. I made a new friend today. Haha.

So this was taken at ITAS courtesy of Sony Ericsson W850i owned by yours truly.......

I miss those PTK times la. Really. Haizz....

I don't know why but Ayul had "inverted nipple" problems. I don't know what that shiet was about. Haha and Arep had "chong" issues to handle. What daaaa hellll~~~

So that was them.

Dikir practice was OK. I know I have to do alot of catching up of the ragams and stuff. I haven't even memorise the lyrics. I memorised the Juara song but when it came to singing and clapping, I bothered to clap but didn't bother to sing. Haha. I so need to know the ragams ASAP or our show will suck soo much that all I will do is to suck eggs. Stupid.

Tag Replies :

oracle : Haha. There is the lalat, and there is the tahi. So who is who? LOL.


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