Sunday, December 03, 2006


A day spent at KKH isn't very ideal, what more on a weekend. Boring I tell you. You will end up being a junkie because of the junk food that you feed yourself, what more when 7-Eleven is right in front of you.

Well that was what me and my cousin's were feeling, the whole day at KKH.

I was at KKH since like 2+ or so. Saw Nenek and really pitied her. She seems all so weak and tak terdaya to wake up. She was happy to see me, adik and Ella. That was nice to see her smile. Awww...~ Well I am a good grand-daughter. Right?

So, I asked Nenek how she is doing and all. Apparently showing concern because I am.

Well, just hope she gets well soon. I'm beginning to miss her.

Since the family is like huge, Nenek had lots of visitors, siblings, relatives, nieces, nephews of hers visiting her and wanting to know what her condition is like. Apparently, we took up the tv lounge and when other visitors saw the whole place occupied by my family, they made a "U-turn". Haha. Well, I was left to laugh.

Anyway, me, Ella, Adan, Kak Nur, Haris, Hafiz, Sabrina and adik were junkies for the day. Nice feeling. Haha. We were stuffing ourselves with apparently the most junkfood in a day. Chocolates, nachos, ice-cream, canned drinks, bottled drinks, curry puffs, sweets. ARGH! Well.....

Ok. So we didn't have any proper meal except for dinner, which by then, most of us were suffering from a stomach ache and waiting to let it all out in the toilet bowl once we reach home.

After dinner and all, it was home. Nice.

Tomorrow I so want to go out. But where? Any plans friends?

Next task : Change skin.

Tag Replies :

fie : Eh mesti la i ingat. Takkan la i tak ingat. LOL! Oh, pantat gatal jer, visit blog org. HAha! Pantat tak gatal, tak visit la nik kirekan? hehe.

wani : Rabaks tak bilang. Dahsyats!

Lyn : Its' Christina Aguilera-Hurt. Nice ryd? I noe la. hehe.


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