Wednesday, December 27, 2006

rain rain go away

Oh fuck.

I understand it's like the Christmas spirit and all. But I don't need rain to be a replacement for SNOW!

Like fuck, it was raining the whole day yesterday, and it still is raining NOW! Well hey, look on the bright side, at least the water supply is being re-filled.


Oh dangs. The rain is spoiling mood. Just hope it doesn't ruin my holidays la ok.

I've been going to the loo to take a piss for like every hour? My bladder is shrinking. It's getting worn out due to the constant amount of water I have to spray at my bladder after piss-ing. Haha. Don't mind me but damn. Well, at least mum and dad do not have to worry on the water bill because I only took a shower like once yesterday because of the weather. LOL!

So, looking at my countdown, it's like 5 days away to 2007 and to my very very special day.

As you can see, on the right, MY WISHLIST is up!! So for all you kind souls out there, especially to those who are earning bucks, I'm sure you are waiting for your long awaited end-of-the-year bonuses to come. So, no worries of running out of money just to get me a present. Hehe.


Next task : Plan out my New Year Resolution list for 2007.


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